Thursday, January 17, 2008

Castle in the Air

I picked up Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones on a whim from the teen section of the library simply because I had watched the movie. I found that the movie had little resemblance to the original novel as the characters in the book had voices and opinions that were not at all like breathy anime. I enjoyed the book greatly.

This book is the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, and I must say I liked it even more than the first book. The book is written in a most deliciously tongue in cheek manner which made me burst out laughing from sheer amusement. The character of Abdullah, though not as complex as Howl is extremely entertaining, and the dialog is sheer comedy.

The first two thirds of the book were wonderful, but the last part is a slight anti-climax. Calcifer, for example seemed to appear in the finale in a rather implausible manner, just to round off the story.

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