Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Slip of the Knife

I wonder why all my favorite murder mystery authors are female...and British. Maybe it started at a young age with Agatha Christie. When there is a new murder mystery out by a female British author I snatch it up like a rabid dog and start reading.

Denise Mina is British - and female. I've read all of her books to date and always pick up the next book because I keep hoping. For me, Mina's books have the requisite "atmosphere" but there is always something lacking. I always, always fail to get drawn in and I put her books down saying miserably "Maybe next time..." and wait for the next book

It happened again with her newest book. It looked good, the inside front cover made me eager to go home and make out with my book. I failed to be drawn in again and finished the book with the feeling that something was missing. Maybe it's just me.

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