Sunday, April 20, 2008

Four Wives

This topic has been done. And redone. And done again. Who does it best? Olivia Goldsmith tried, so did many, many others. Writing the parallel stories of four women (why four? Is it the magic number?) during a stressful period of their lives has been done so many times that all the women blend into one singly whiny woman in my brain.

Occasionally there is a book about four women that rises above the others and makes a fun read. Unfortunately this is not one of those books. It's not a bad read, it's just that the characters are extremely one-dimensional and very, very blah.

I didn't enjoy this book at all. In fact I'll venture my most candid opinion...I think I wasted my time reading it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....